Siting Permitting & Public Involvement

The Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) and Section 94-c
  • Section 94-c of the Executive Law of New York State governs the process for siting and permitting applicable to the Collins Wind Project. It provides for the review of new or modified major electric generating facilities by the Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES), housed within the Department of State. 
  • This new permitting process for renewable energy projects greater than 25 MW in New York State has been established by the Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth & Community Benefit Act Legislation from 2020. The Accelerated Renewable Energy Growth and Community Benefit Act legislation may be accessed via Part JJJ of the Transportation, Economic Development and Environmental Conservation (TED) Bill, beginning on page 103 Bill Search and Legislative Information | New York State Assembly ( 
  • The ORES final regulations were published in March 2021 and sets uniform standards and conditions for projects to meet Regulations | Office of Renewable Energy Siting ( 
  • When available, the application may be examined during normal business hours at the ORES and at local locations to be determined, typically including local libraries and town halls, in accordance with section 900-1.6.(a)(6) of Regulation 94-c. 
Issued Permits

Will be posted when available

Permitting Timeframes
  • Once an application is submitted to ORES, a completeness determination process begins and typically takes ORES two to six months to confirm that the application meets the requirements as established by the regulations. 
  • ORES has a one-year timeline for approval following a completeness determination.  

  • If the Siting Office (OERS) does not make a determination within one year, the draft permit will be deemed approved and a final siting permit granted. 
  • EDF Renewables’ normal practice is to work closely with host Towns through the permit application process so the Towns are aware of the contents and have the ability to provide feedback during the application preparation stage. 
  • Intervenor funding, $1,000 per megawatt being applied for ($200,000 in the case of Collins Wind), is provided by EDF Renewables for the benefit of the host towns and community to review and provide feedback on the application.   
  • EDF Renewables is open to providing funding in escrow for the Towns to hire attorneys and consultants to participate in the project before an application is submitted, without burdening the local tax base. 
How to Receive Notices About the Application

When available, those wishing to receive all notices concerning the proposed project can subscribe to the Department of Public Service – Matter Master – Service List. Click How to Subscribe  – for step-by-step instructions on how to subscribe to the Service List of Matter and Cases. To access relevant documents from the ORES website, look under Permit Applications (Project DMM Matter Number) – note, this service will be available upon submission of an application. 

Habitat Surveys, Environmental Studies and Cultural Reviews

The Collins Wind Project is a zero-emission wind energy project that will assist New York State in meeting the goals of the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act and State Energy Plan, which includes obtaining 70% of its energy generation from renewable sources by 2030 and significantly reducing greenhouse gas emissions. Other positive impacts of the Project include diversification of energy supplies, new employment opportunities (both temporary construction employment and full-time jobs), and increased revenues for the  Towns of Collins, North Collins, Concord, Eden, and Brant, Erie County (provided that infrastructure is installed within these Towns), New York, school districts, payments to participating landowners, community initiatives, projects, organizations, the local hospitality industry, and purchase of local supplies and goods. 

The 94-c Process has been implemented by rules enacted by ORES and establishes a review process with uniform standards and conditions for all renewable energy projects. The uniform standards and conditions are available at 19 NYCRR 900.6 and 

In addition, EDF Renewables has attempted to minimize impacts associated with the Project, for example, by limiting the disturbance to forested lands and wetlands to the maximum extent practicable. EDFR will submit an Application that includes extensive studies evaluating the potential impacts associated with the Project and identified methods which have been agreed to be implemented to avoid, minimize and mitigate potential impacts. A summary of those studies is presented below. 

94-C Pre-Application Requirements  94-C Application Requirements
Consultation with Local Agencies Overview and Public Involvement
Meeting With Community Members, provide written notice of application to all persons residing within five (5) miles of the proposed wind facility Location of Facilities, Setback Requirements for Wind Turbine Towers, including a map of all properties upon which any component of a facility or ancillary feature would be located and for wind facilities, all properties within two thousand (2,000) feet of such properties that shows the current land use, tax parcel number and owner of record of each property, and any publicly known proposed land use plans for any of these properties. 
Transcripts, Presentation Materials and Summary Agricultural Assessment and Land Use, Construct the facility consistent with the NYSAGM “Guidelines for Agricultural Mitigation for Wind Power Projects”, revised 4/19/2018 to the maximum extent practicable 
Notice of Intent to File an Application Electric System Effects
Wetland Delineation Wind Power Facilities 
Water Resources and Aquatic Ecology Electric System Production Modeling 
NYS Threatened or Endangered Species Consistency with Energy Planning Objectives
Archaeological Resources Consultation Preliminary Design Drawings 
Consultation with ORES Real Property
Construction, Post-Construction Noise Compliance and Monitoring for Wind Facilities, Facility Logs for Wind Facilities, A design verification, during construction confirming that the wind turbines were designed in accordance with International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
Public Health and Safety 
Safety and Security 
Noise and Vibration, Noise Impact Modeling specific to wind facilities 
Cultural Resources 
Geology Seismology and Soils 
Terrestrial Ecology and Wetlands
Water Resources and Aquatic Ecology, no wind turbine shall be located within one hundred (100) feet of an existing, active water supply well or water supply intake. 
Visual Impacts, the visibility of the facility, including visibility of facility operational characteristics, such as wind turbine lighting and viewshed maps depicting areas of facility visibility within five (5) miles of a wind facility, evaluation of Shadow Flicker for Wind Facilities, development of a Visual Impacts Minimization and Mitigation Plan 
Effect on Transportation, for wind facilities, access road locations and widths, including characterizations of road intersection suitability. 
Effect on Communication, For wind facilities, an identification of all existing broadcast communication sources within a two (2) mile radius of the facility and the electric interconnection between the facility and the point of interconnection 
Socioeconomic Effects
Environmental Justice 
Site Restoration and Decommissioning 
Local Laws 
State Laws and Regulations 
Other Applications and Filings
Electric Interconnection 
Electric and Magnetic Fields 
Telecommunications Interconnection 

EDF Renewables’ Development Manager and permitting team will present information about impacts related to endangered species, farmland, wetlands, tree clearing, and environmental studies as applicable during future community meetings.  

94-c Opportunities for Local Input
  • Communities and local governments will have opportunities to provide input throughout the Section 94-c review process:
  • No application will be deemed complete without proof of consultation with the host communities.
  • Municipalities will be notified upon the publishing of an application’s draft permit conditions and shall provide feedback on the draft permit conditions and the proposed project’s compliance with local laws.
  • If the host communities' statements raise any substantive and significant issues that require adjudication, the ORES may establish a date for an adjudicatory hearing.
  • EDF Renewables plans to go above and beyond the requirements established by the regulations, and to regularly discuss the application with the Towns prior to submitting an application to ORES.
How to Access Local Agency Account Funding

Local agency account means the account established by ORES and maintained by the New York State Energy Research and Development Authority pursuant to Section 94-c of the Executive Law for local agencies and potential community intervenors which meet the eligibility and procedural requirements of this Part to participate in public comment periods or hearings. Local agency means any local agency, board, district, commission or governing body, including municipalities, and other political subdivisions of the state. 

Pursuant to 19 NYCRR 900-5. EDF Renewables will submit with the Application $1,000 dollars for each MW of capacity for local agencies and potential community intervenors, which for this project, is projected to be $200,000. Any local agency or potential community intervenor will have an opportunity to submit a request to ORES for funding within thirty (30) days of the date of the Application filing. By regulation, 75% of the local agency account funds are reserved for local agencies, such as the Towns. 

Intervenor requests should be made to:
The Office of Renewable Energy Siting
Attention: Request for Local Agency Account Funding
99 Washington Avenue
Albany, NY 12231-0001

Local Agency and Funding Updates

Will be posted when available. 

Party and Potential Party Registration

All persons who desire to participate in a potential adjudicatory proceeding will be given an opportunity to register as a party on the Department of Public Service’s Document Matter and Management (DMM) system and consent to electronic service. Information on how to register on DMM may be found at:  

Process for Submission and Sharing of Protected Information and Access to Protected Information

Any party that: (a) has requested the information or normally would be entitled to service of such under 19 NYCRR Subpart 900-8 and (b) is not a party that would benefit from access to the Protected Information by reason of being a competitor or having an adverse business interest to the Providing Party is entitled to access to Protected Information under this Protective Order. 

To qualify its information as Protected Information, the party submitting the information (Providing Party) to ORES must submit to the presiding Administrative Law Judges a contemporaneous, written request (Request for Protected Status). 

“Protected Information” is information that is submitted to the New York State Office of Renewable Energy Siting (ORES) by a party to this proceeding under cover of a claim that it should be protected from public disclosure under the Freedom of Information Law (FOIL), Public Officers Law (POL) §84 et seq., Part 80 of title 19 of the Official Compilation of Codes, Rules and Regulations of the State of New York (19 NYCRR), and the procedures outlined in Paragraph 6 regarding a Request for Protected Status. “Protected Information” also includes any information learned on any site visit to the project area about the location of any threatened or endangered species, or species of special concern, or location or characteristics of the habitat of such species.